Sustainable Investing
At TUM Campus Heilbronn
- German
- Frankfurt
- On Campus
- On request
- 4.5 days + self-study
- 3,890 €, Discounts available
Sustainability is more than just a trend – this also applies to financial investments. Whether private or institutional, the market for green shares, bonds, and incentive loans is growing. This is not only due to social developments, but also to political measures such as the Green Deal, which aims to make Europe climate-neutral by 2050. Sustainability, however, also includes – within the framework of ESG – social and governance-related aspects. True experts are needed for all of this.
Your benefits at a glance
- Sustainable investment advice
- Sustainable risk management
- Develop sustainable investment strategies
- Sustainable development
- Sustainable investing
- Holistic picture of digitalisation
- ESG performance and risks
- Sustainable financial products
- Sustainable corporate governance
- Sustainable investment advice
- Sustainable risk management
- Develop sustainable investment strategies
- Sustainable development
- Sustainable investing
- Holistic picture of digitalisation
- ESG performance and risks
- Sustainable financial products
- Sustainable corporate governance
TUM Campus Heilbronn gGmbH
Certified Sustainable Investment Professional
The seminar is held once per year.
3,890 €
10% discount for TUM Alumni
The program is designed primarily for financial, investment and retail advisors, analysts, credit, corporate and risk management advisors, corporate finance, treasury, investor relations and foundation staff, and executives.
DVFA Tagungscenter
Stresemannallee 30, 60596 Frankfurt am Main
*We reserve the right to offer individual seminars as virtual events at short notice
4.5 days
Plus self-study before and after the seminar days and preparation for the final exam final examination
On request
Prof. Dr. Gunther Friedl (Technische Universität München)
Prof. Dr. Christina E. Bannier (DVFA)
What we offer you
Our certificate program Sustainable Investing shows what is important in sustainable investments. Opportunities, risks, and special features – participants learn all this in detail, in a practical way, and with scientific expertise. Together with the DVFA, we succeed in optimally linking between science and practice. So you learn how to analyse and correctly value investments.
The program takes place alternately at DVFA in Frankfurt (in autumn) and at TUM Campus Heilbronn (in spring), located in the heart of one of the most innovative regions in Germany.
What's in it for you
You learn how to develop sustainable investment strategies and meet sustainability reporting requirements. Sustainability risk management and investment advice are also on the agenda:
- Introduction to Sustainable Development and Sustainable Investing
- Sustainable Strategy and Reporting
- Sustainable Governance
- Sustainability Ratings and Labels
- Sustainable financial products
- Regulatory Framework for Sustainable Investments
- Investment strategies for Sustainable Investments
- ESG performance and risks
- Investors’ sustainability preferences
Trust us: Once you have successfully completed our course, you will know what matters in terms of strategy and product-specific sustainable investments.
This makes the program ideal for financial, investment, and retail advisors, analysts, credit, corporate and risk management advisors, corporate finance, treasury, investor relations, foundation staff and executives.
Introduction to Sustainable Development and Sustainable Investing
Explanation of the concept of sustainability and its historical development, presentation and significance of the UN-SDGs as well as other current political initiatives and strategies.
Sustainable Strategy and Reporting
Presentation of different models of sustainable corporate management (stakeholder value approach; consideration of materiality aspects (“materiality”)), as well as explanation of the framework conditions of sustainability reporting; regulatory aspects arising from the Taxonomy Regulation and the Non-Financial Reporting Regulation are also considered.
Sustainable Governance
Consideration of the relevant governance elements to ensure sustainability strategies. International comparison of governance systems. Consideration of the relationship between governance and sustainability effectiveness, including presentation of the DVFA governance scorecard.
Sustainability Ratings and Labels
Overview of existing ESG ratings and labels and their relevance. The focus is on a comparison of the different ratings, especially against the background of the materiality of sustainability in different industries and for different classes of companies (e.g. size, legal form, etc.).
Sustainable financial products
Presentation of various asset classes and sustainable financial products (equity and debt) in a market overview. The focus is on green bonds, social bonds and incentive loans, among others.
Regulatory Framework for Sustainable Investments
Presentation of the relevant national and international regulatory framework based on the EU Action Plan 2018, Taxonomy Regulation, Shareholder Rights Directive, etc.
Investment strategies for Sustainable Investments
Presentation of the various investment strategies with regard to sustainable investments: exclusion, screening, ESG integration, impact investing, etc.. Also presentation of the DVFA stewardship guidelines and comparison with international guidelines.
ESG performance and risks
Addressing the management of risks arising from environmental, social and governance factors. Different methods of risk measurement and management (e.g. scenario analysis, sensitivity analysis, simulations, etc.) are presented.
Investors' sustainability preferences
This module explains the importance investors place on sustainability. This includes: Relationship between fund volume/growth and sustainability and causal evidence; trade-off between returns and sustainability from an investor’s perspective, impact of sustainability on flow performance relationship, importance of certain sustainability criteria, separation between institutional and retail investor preferences.
Our lecturers
Prof. Dr. Gunther Friedl
Professor for Management Accounting, Technical University of Munich
Prof. Dr. Christina Bannier
Professor for Banking and Finance, Justus-Liebig-University Gießen
Dr. Dennis Hänsel
Global Head of Investment & ESG Advisory, DWS Investment GmbH
Hendrik Schmidt
Head of Corporate Governance Center, DWS Investment GmbH
Berenike Wiener
Partner and Management of Competence Unit Compliance and Advisory,
ESG, plenum AG
Prof. Dr. Christian Koziol
Holder of the Chair of Finance, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Müller
Professor of Finance, Technical University of Munich
Edda Schröder
Founder and Managing Director of Invest in Visions GmbH
Dr. habil. Moritz Isenmann
Research and Strategy Manager, Invest in Visions GmbH
Robert Bluhm
Director Head of Alternative Investments & Structuring Product Management, Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH
Dr. Philipp Roßmann
Senior Consultant im Bereich Valuation, Modelling and Economics, EY
Dr. Dennis Hänsel
Global Head of Investment & ESG Advisory, DWS Investment GmbH
Our partner
“In the joint DVFA and TUM course, participants not only gain a comprehensive insight into current trends in the field of sustainable investing, but also learn practical tools: This allows companies and projects to be directly assessed for sustainability and investment opportunities to be analyzed.”
“I was looking for further training in the area of sustainability and was interested in a combination of purely theoretical knowledge and relevant practical aspects.”
Were your expectations of the program’s content met? What did you like about it?
“Yes, absolutely. I found the selection of lecturers particularly positive - a successful combination of people with strong academic backgrounds as well as people with clear practical relevance, and the wide range of topics across the eight modules.”
contact partner

Bildungscampus 2
D-74076 Heilbronn